untie -prefix

Prefix ‘un’ for Year 3

In Year 3, children need to understand that adding a prefix to the beginning of another word can change the meaning of that word completely.

When adding ‘un’ to the beginning of a word, the word changes to mean its antonym or opposite meaning.

Learning prefixes also helps with decoding words when reading and when learning spelling.

Use this resource to help your child learn the antonyms by adding the prefix un-.

The prefix un means ‘not’, so:


The boy was tidy.

The boy was untidy.

The girls were kind.

The girls were unkind.

Children need to understand the prefix meaning to understand how the verb meaning has been changed.

The worksheet below will support your child in Year 3’s  understanding.


DOWNLOAD: Prefix un – Year 3 worksheet

prefix un -year 3



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