ed suffix

Suffix ‘ed’ endings for Year 1

In year 1, children need to understand suffixes, in particular those ending in -ed. These words change the tense  of the sentence,  when suffixes are added to the verbs or doing words.

Therefore, their use in sentences also changes.

For example: when the suffix -ed is added to these root words


hunt ->    hunted      shows it happened in the past

push ->    higher       shows it happened in the past

call   ->    called       shows it happened in the past

wash ->    washed    shows it happened in the past

lick   ->    licked       shows it happened in the past

test   ->    tested       shows it happened in the past


They change from present to past tense, so their function in a sentence also changes.

In this case, the suffix -ed changes something from the present tense (happening now) to the past tense (happening before).

The worksheet below will support your child in Year 1’s  understanding.


DOWNLOAD: Suffix -ed worksheet

Suffix -ed for Year 1

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